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Guide to Neptune Retrograde | Face Your Illusions and Create Your Reality

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Guide to Neptune Retrograde

I view astrology as an incredible system, language, and timing technique to align with something larger and greater than ourselves. A way to check in with ourselves, our progress, and our spiritual growth.

Neptune, the planet of dreams, intuition, and spirituality, is retrograde in Pisces July 2 - December 8. The retrograde, which begins in Human Design Gate 25 and ends in Human Design Gate 36, symbolizes a period of deep introspection, clarity, and the confrontation of illusions.

As Neptune symbolizes illusions and the wearing of 'rose colored glasses,' when retrograde, it's akin to us removing those glasses and seeing reality for what it is. We recognize where our illusions are clashing with our ability to create our desired reality.

For this reason, Neptune retrograde is often associated as a time with reality 'hits' and people show their true colors, and the 'snakes appear in the grass.'

All things which sound intense and even negative, however I view this period as a time to get clear about what you want and where you want to go.

To 'face' the harshness of reality is to forget you're creating it.

This particular Neptune retrograde is significant as Saturn is also retrograde in Pisces. While Neptune represents illusions and spirituality and has a knack for 'weak boundaries,' Saturn represents limitation and structure and thrives on strong boundaries. With Saturn also retrograde, it can be easy to let boundaries get loose. It may feel like you have less limitations with Saturn retrograde, but Neptune retrograde has reality 'kicking in.'

This is prime energy for facing illusions and becoming the master creator of your life.


The energy of Neptune combined with Pisces' mystical energy, amplifies the need for inner exploration. Gate 25, known as the Gate of Innocence, invites us to reconnect with our pure, authentic selves and approach life with a sense of wonder and openness.

When Neptune retrogrades into Gate 36 on September 30th, we're invited to explore and embrace the transformative energies of emotional experience, crisis, and growth. Gate 36, known as the Gate of Crisis or the Darkening of the Light, is associated with the emotional journey through challenging experiences and the wisdom gained from them.

Neptune has been in Gate 25 since April 10, 2024, marking a period inviting exploration of themes related to innocence, purity, and the reconnection with our authentic selves.

When Neptune retrogrades back into Gate 36, it may activate themes related to when it was last there, March 4, 2022 - April 10, 2024. This time period, which you'll be invited to revisit and close up loose ends, marked an invitation to explore and embrace the transformative energies of emotional experiences, crises, and growth. ā€‹Although Neptune will remain in Pisces for another year, it will not revisit the energy of Gate 36 for another 84 years. Meaning, October and November of this year are likely significant and designed to bring closure to an area of crisis in your life.


While this closure will fully commence in January of 2026 when Neptune and Saturn conjoin at 29 degrees of Pisces, Neptune leaving Gate 36 for 84 is significant as it relates to the energy of crisis. Put another way, an area of your life has likely been confusing since Neptune entered Pisces in 2011, which was possibly brought to a head via some type of 'crisis' when Neptune in Gate 36.

For guidance on which area of your life is experiencing this closure, look to the Pisces-ruled house in your natal chart.

Based on rising sign:

  • Aries: Subconscious & healing
  • Taurus: Goals & friendships
  • Gemini: Career & public image
  • Cancer: Beliefs & expansion
  • Leo: Shared finances & shadow work 
  • Virgo: Relationships & spiritual contracts
  • Libra: Health & routine
  • Scorpio: Creation & expression
  • Sagittarius: Home & security
  • Capricorn: Communication & community
  • Aquarius: Values & finances
  • Pisces: Identity & direction

Additionally, see if you have any planets in Gate 36, Gate 35, Gate 6, or Gate 59 as those are the energies most impacted by Neptune leaving Gate 36.

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  1. Self-Reflection: Use this time to reflect on your dreams, aspirations, and spiritual beliefs. Journaling and meditation can help uncover hidden truths and insights, especially those related to the themes of Gate 25 (the gate of Universal Love) and Gate 36 (the gate of Crisis and Human Experience).

  2. Clearing Illusions: Examine areas of your life where you might have been deceiving yourself or others. This is an opportunity to face realities and let go of fantasies that no longer serve you, particularly in matters of compassion and emotional experiences.

  3. Spiritual Growth: Engage in practices that enhance your spiritual awareness, such as yoga, meditation, or connecting with nature. Neptune retrograde in these gates can deepen your connection to the divine and your inner self, focusing on universal love and the richness of human experiences.

  4. Creative Exploration: Channel the retrograde energy into creative pursuits. Art, music, and writing can be powerful outlets for expressing the deeper insights and emotions that emerge, reflecting the themes of love and emotional depth.

  5. Healing and Releasing: This is a good time to address any unresolved emotional issues or past traumas. Consider seeking support from therapists, healers, or engaging in self-healing practices, aligning with the healing potentials of Gate 25 and the transformative experiences of Gate 36.

  6. Enhanced Intuition: Pay attention to your intuition and inner guidance. Neptune retrograde can heighten your psychic abilities and inner knowing, particularly in understanding the deeper aspects of love and emotional crises.

  7. Boundaries and Clarity: Establish clearer boundaries in relationships and other areas of your life. This period can help you see where you need to protect your energy and create more structure, ensuring your connections and experiences are genuine and supportive.


By embracing the introspective and clarifying energies of Neptune retrograde in Pisces, traversing through Human Design Gate 25 and Gate 36, you can gain profound insights and make meaningful changes in your spiritual and personal growth.


As Neptune Retrograde is a powerful time for spiritual growth and increased intuition, self-reflection in the form of questions can be eye opening and life changing.




Neptune Retrograde in Gate 25: The Gate of Innocence (July 2 - Sep 30)

  1. Authenticity and Purity
    • What aspects of my life need to be stripped of illusions to reveal my true, innocent self?
    • How can I reconnect with my innate purity and approach life with a sense of wonder and openness?
  2. Self-Love and Compassion
    • In what ways can I show more compassion and love towards myself?
    • How can I nurture my inner child and embrace my vulnerabilities?
  3. Spiritual Connection
    • What spiritual practices help me connect with my pure, authentic self?
    • How can I deepen my spiritual journey to align more closely with my true essence?
  4. Clearing Illusions
    • Where have I been deceiving myself, and how can I face these truths with compassion and honesty?
    • What unrealistic expectations or fantasies do I need to release to live more authentically?
  5. Innocence and Boundaries
    • How can I maintain my sense of innocence while establishing healthy boundaries?
    • In what areas of my life do I need to protect my energy to preserve my purity and authenticity?

Neptune Retrograde in Gate 36: The Gate of Crisis (Sep 30 - Dec 8)

  1. Emotional Depth
    • What deep emotions and experiences am I being called to face and understand during this time?
    • How can I allow myself to feel and process these emotions fully without judgment?
  2. Navigating Crisis and Change
    • What current crises or challenging situations in my life need my attention and compassion?
    • How can I approach these challenges with a sense of curiosity and openness to growth?
  3. Finding Wisdom in Adversity
    • What lessons can I learn from the difficult experiences I have faced or am currently facing?
    • How can I transform these challenges into opportunities for personal and spiritual growth?
  4. Resilience and Healing
    • What inner strengths and resources can I draw upon to navigate emotional turbulence?
    • How can I build greater emotional resilience to handle future challenges with grace?
  5. Illusions and Reality
    • What illusions or unrealistic expectations have contributed to my emotional crises?
    • How can I see through these illusions to embrace a more authentic and grounded perspective?

Combined Reflection Questions

  1. Integration of Lessons
    • How can I integrate the lessons from my emotional experiences (Gate 36) with the purity and innocence of my true self (Gate 25)?
    • In what ways can I use the wisdom gained from crises to enhance my spiritual journey and authenticity?
  2. Balancing Emotions and Innocence
    • How can I balance the deep emotional work of Gate 36 with the need to preserve and nurture my inner innocence from Gate 25?
    • What practices can help me stay grounded and authentic while navigating emotional challenges?
  3. Spiritual and Emotional Alignment
    • How can I align my spiritual practices to support both my emotional healing and the reconnection with my pure, innocent self?
    • In what ways can I use my heightened intuition during Neptune retrograde to guide me through emotional and spiritual growth?


By reflecting on these questions, you can harness the energies of Neptune retrograde in Gate 25 and Gate 36 to facilitate profound personal and spiritual transformation.


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